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What Thanksgiving has Taught me...

Thanksgiving is a holiday that George Washington set aside in 1789. Since I can remember, Thanksgiving has been a day of giving thanks, enjoying family, and lots of food. To see the growth of my family and myself has been an amazing journey. I journeyed from being a part of a gathering to hosting the gathering, and now I am returning to being a part of the gathering.

Thanksgiving has taught me to be grateful, first to God and to those who have generously contributed to the nurturing, growth, wisdom, and experiences that matured me.

Thanksgiving has taught me to love my family, even through the tough patches of life.

Thanksgiving has taught me to be a giver in life, even to takers in life.

Thanksgiving has taught me to appreciate the blessings that I have and to be a blessing to others.

Thanksgiving has taught me that it is more than a day or even a few days. I have learned that Thanksgiving is an everyday celebration of life, love, family, friends, and those whom God allows to cross my path.

Thanksgiving is GIVING thanks, and yes, sometimes it is GIVING of yourself -And for that, I am very THANKFUL.

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